We provide blockchain security by performing custom testing and audits to identify vulnerabilities in smart contracts, cryptography, and supporting architecture.
In today’s digital landscape, protecting sensitive data and preventing breaches is paramount. With our cutting-edge solution, you can significantly reduce the risk of a breach.
Identify potential vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and risk scenarios. Document findings in risk assessment reports.
Analyze the overall blockchain design and ensure proper security principles like encryption and access controls are integrated.
Review source code for security flaws like buffer overflows, improper error handling, etc.
Test live systems using techniques like fuzzing by manipulating inputs to find crashes and anomalies. Log all test cases.
Attempt real-world attacks like DDoS, node impersonation, and consensus manipulation on the live blockchain network.
Analyze smart contract code for vulnerabilities, validate correctness, check for compliance with specifications.
Validate integrity of crypto wallet and private key management functions.
The blockchain security report provides a centralized view of testing results, ongoing due diligence activities, and the current security posture. It demonstrates adherence to security best practices and commitment to transparency.
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Application Testing
Application Testing
We provide a myriad of services and know getting the right support is overwhelming. Sourcing our frequently asked questions, we want to help and provide you with the service that is right for you.
We secure smart contracts and apps on Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, Near Protocol, Terra and other leading Layer 1 and 2 protocols.
Our audits scan for vulnerabilities, analyze logic flows, simulate attacks, review test coverage and provide code level recommendations.
Yes, we analyze cryptography implementations including hashes, encryption schemes and key protocols.
Certainly, our blockchain forensics can trace transactions, identify culprits and support recovery of assets.
Yes, our architecture reviews dig into core protocol codebases as applicable based on scope.
We provide compliance report for ISO, GDPR, SOC2, NIST and other critical standards.